
We use the guidance ‘Development Matters’ as our underpinning guidance. We also have our own curricular goals, which are developed around our current cohort and based on skills they will need for when they start school.

Our curriculum goals 

By the end of the child’s Preschool year, they will be able to: 

  • Understand and be able to identify a range of emotions. 
  • Take turns with peers and be able to share resources fairly. 
  • Sit and listen to a short story as part of a small group.
  • Be independent in toileting and self-care skills. 
  • Recognise their own name and start to write the first letter of their own name. 
  • Be confident with ‘number and count’ objects up to 5. 
  • Have an understanding of change e.g. the life cycle of a plant and an animal, and how materials can change in different conditions. 
  • Use imaginative skills to create models using blocks or construction bricks. 

Autumn term 2023 planning

Bar Hill Preschool Autumn term curriculum 2023-2024.        Focus- All about me and my family/ Autumn 

Please click on the Autumn term 2023 planning above to view.

Spring term 2024 curriculum

Please click on the above Spring term 2024 to view the plans for this term.