
We use the guidance ‘Development Matters’ as our underpinning guidance. We also have our own curricular goals, which are developed around our current cohort and based on skills they will need for when they start school.

Our curriculum goals 

By the end of the child’s Preschool year, they will be able to: 

  • Understand how I am feeling today.
  • Take turns in small groups and be able to share resources fairly and show kindness.
  • I can sit and listen to a short story as part of a group and beginning to make comments with the help of props.
  • I have my own voice.
  • Be independent in toileting and self-care skills.
  • I enjoy physical activities and can understand how to keep myself safe in the setting and the community.
  • I can recognise and write some letters in my own name.
  • I understand print has meaning and can be used for different purposes.
  • Developing a sound knowledge of the concept of numbers.
  • Exploring the world and have an understanding of change eg the lifecycle of a plant or animal and how materials change in different conditions.
  • I feel part of the local community
  • I can use my imagination to create and express my thoughts and feelings through building, mark making and movements.