Pre-School Management Committee

Your Pre-School Needs You!

Are you interested to meet other parents?

Can you share your skills and ideas?

Do you want to help support your child’s setting?

We’d love to see new faces on the Committee – please read this Welcome Letter from our chair or speak to Sarah the Manager about the date of the next meeting and come along for a trial visit. 

Bar Hill Pre-School is a registered charity and is run by a parent-managed committee. This committee is responsible for:

  • Employing and paying staff
  • Managing the Pre-school finances
  • Ensuring that the Pre-school follows policies that help it provide high quality childcare and education
  • Creating a working partnership with the children’s parents

The Committee is elected annually at the Pre-School’s Annual General Meeting, which is held in the autumn term. The current Chair Person is Kate Da Costa, who can be contacted via

The Committee meet a least once every half term to discuss matters that have arisen at Pre-School, organise fund raising events, allocate funds for new equipment and generally ensure the smooth running of the setting.

We love it when parents get involved and everyone is welcome to:

  • Join the committee
  • Help out at fund-raising and social events

If you would like to speak to a member of the Committee either before enrolling your child or at any time in the future, please do not hesitate to contact the Chair Person or any Committee member: